Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales in Orange County

Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales in Orange County

To successfully navigate Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales you need an agent that understands the short sale process.

wachovia and wells fargo short salesJesse Madison has successfully navigated the pitfalls involved with Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales.

Wells Fargo and Wachovia are leaders in short sale resolution among all banks that negotiate short sales with sellers who are upside down on their loans. They will send a representative to your home to interview the seller. This is part of the outreach they provide to distressed homeowners. They make speedy decisions and can approve your Orange County short sale quickly so that you can get on with your life and resolve your financial hardship.



Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales
Short Sales in Orange County

As a Short Sale Expert Realtor in Orange County I offer our Sellers Featured listings on Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia and massive online Syndication through Hudreds of Real Estate Websites. Buyers in Orange County search for homes online first. Your Orange County Short Sale listing will be sydicated everywhere (Homes.com, MLSListings.com, Homefinder.com, Hotpads.com and more)

We market all properties with Virtual Tours as well as Professional High Definition Youtube Videos. We also offer additional Print Advertising in major newspapers such as The Orange County Register.

Additional marketing is always done on our Website and Blog at www.OrangeCountyShortSaleBroker.com which consistently comes up on the top 10 when buyers are searching for Orange County Short Sales or Orange County HUD Homes.

The success of your Orange County, CA Short Sale depends on many factors. Having a solid pricing strategy will help you  prevent pitfalls and delays that could undermine your goal of successfully selling your home. If the price is not a market value price the bank may decline your sale and you could lose your buyer and need to start over. Proper initial pricing will help you avoid this costly mistake and prevent foreclosure. Remember it is a race against the foreclosure clock.

Thorough review of all liens against the property is a must.  Once all lien holders are contacted you must successfully negotiate all terms and submit complete packages to all lien holders to obtain short sale approval.

Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short SalesThere are many compelling reasons to do a short sale. Completing your short sale can save your credit and you may be able to purchase a home again in as little as 2 years. Many banks are now pre-approving Short Sales and are paying some sellers as much as $30,000 to cooperate with short sales ( COOP Program). Banks will also pay sellers closing costs on Short Sales.

Remember to ask your tax professional about Debt Forgiveness on short sales as there has been an extension to the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act.

If you or someone you know is in danger of losing their home to foreclosure…Contact Me Today! 949-306-8416.

Jesse Madison is a certified Short Sale expert with a CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) and SFR ( Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource) designation. He can assist you with your Orange County Short Sales.

If you need assistance with your Wachovia and Wells Fargo Short Sales please call Jesse at 949-306-8416 so you can begin your road to recovery from financial hardship.


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